Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ship's Log: November Meeting Minutes

Captain Phillip presided over the November 8th meeting at the Natural Science Center in Greensboro. The crew had a wonderful time at the Science Center. Stephanie was gave us a special tour of the inside animals (tortoise, spiders (Stephanie had rescued a Mexican fireleg tarantula and had donated it to the center), bugs, vampire bats (small but scary- they had bowls of bovine blood in the cage). We also had fun seeing the outside animals, tigers, South American wolves,an anteater, and other cute animals.

In attendance were: Scott, Chuck, Eric, Richard, Elaine, Gordon, Diane, Chris- with his two sons, Kip and Lane, Phillip, Rachel, Dan, Jill, Rene, and a call in "hello" from James. We had two guests attend Rene and Amanda. Special guide: Stephanie!

The December Meeting will be on the first Saturday, December 6th. It will be our Christmas party meeting at Diane and Gordon's House starting at 2:00 p.m. Dan will send directions and there will be a car pool to their house.

We will be playing Star Trek Santa or the politically incorrect name of Dirty Ferengi. Each person should bring a gift from the $0 to $5 range. It may be handmade, Dollar Store, or a regift from last year. Please do not feel you can not attend if you do not have a gift. Extra gifts will be brought so everyone can play the point is to have fun! The Captain said there needed to be more stealing of prizes this year.

Snack food- we have some people already bringing food so please bring drinks, chips and desserts. Check with Dan or Diane for anything special to bring.

The ship will be taking prepaid orders for Bonaventure stuff at the Christmas party. Please bring cash and order form. Please add tax to the following prices:
$08.00 Bonaventure t-shirt
$12.00 Bonaventure cap
$15.00 Bonaventure sweatshirt
$15.00 Bonaventure briefcase
$18.00 Bonaventure polo shirt
$20.00 Bonaventure gear bag
$22.00 Bonaventure hoodie

The January 17th meeting will be on the 3rd Saturday in January. It is currently scheduled for Heroes Haven in Burlington. If you want a Monster Maroon uniform ready for the IDC come ready to be fitted and the first installment of $25.00. We will be car pooling again and meeting at Borders.

Next Department Head Meeting will be in February. February's regular meeting is yet to be decided.

The March Meeting will coincide with Stellar Con, which is the 2nd weekend in March. We will meet in the hotel lobby so if you do not wish to attend the convention you will not have to pay. Richard encouraged us to have a Star Trek panel. The crew would receive a 10% discount if 10 or more pay with one check.

Contact Dan if you wish to be in one of the Christmas parades in ST uniform:
Saturday, November 22 Burlington 9:00am
Friday, December 5 Mebane 5:00pm
Saturday, December 6 Graham 9:00am
Saturday, December 13 Gibsonville 2:00pm

Charity Events:
Eric gave a shout out for the Triad Health Winter 3 mile Walk on December 7th in Greensbor that is raising money to find a cure for Aids/HIV

Dan gave a shout out for the crew to help with Urban Ministries Food Drive. He would like the crew to set up at a Food Lion and ask for food and contributions for this charity.

Quantum of Solace Group Times:
James Bond rules! The group will be meeting at the following times and places to see the movie:

Saturday at the High Point Palladium for the 4:55 showing
Sunday at the High Point Palladium for the 2:20 showing.

Come early tickets are sure to sell out fast! They are already preselling them at theatres.

Poll Results
The favorite Star Trek series poll ended in a tie with 2 votes for the Original series, 2 votes for Next Gen and 1 vote for Enterprise.

The favorite Dr. Who poll ended with Eccleston winning with 2 votes and a past doctor receiving 1 vote. I know many people said that David was their favorite doctor but they didn't vote so Chris won! Yea!

This week's poll is for your favorite James Bond actor. Vote!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Communication Log: Dr. Who Leaving Series

Bad news for Dr. Who fans- Tennant is leaving!

"He will appear in a Christmas special and four hour-long episodes to be aired in 2009 and early 2010. But he said Wednesday that when the series returns for a full season in 2010, "it won't be with me."

Read the entire article "Say what? Tennant Leaving Dr. Who" at MSNBC

Take the poll, which Dr. Who is your favorite! If you choose the "past doctor" option add a comment to this post to say which one is your favorite! Everyone should vote!