Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ship's Log: January Meeting 01-12-18

January Meeting

On Saturday, January 12th the Bonaventure crew met at Elizabeth's Pizza by Hanes Mall in Winston Salem for their January meeting from 2:00 to 4:00. Captain Phillip led the meeting. Scott so kindly demonstrated all the cool technical features of his iphone including taking pictures of the meeting.


18 people attended (Captain Phillip, Chuck, Scott, Dan, Eric, Diane, Gordon, Elaine, Tony, Janine, Stephanie, Matt, Amy, Chris, Renee, Jill, Ruby, and Mrs. Johnson)

Bonaventure Attire

Any one wanting attire (t-shirt, sweaters, caps, etc.) with the new Bonaventure logo needs to bring their money to the February 9th meeting. The grey t-shirts will cost $8.00 up to XL. Larger sizes will cost more. The logo patchs will cost $14.50 each. Signature Embroidery will be processing the orders. Their web site is Their phone number is 886-4609.

New Online AAWFO

The new online Bonaventure newsletter AAWFO, All Ahead Warp Factor One, has been relaunched. If you would like to get on the email list contact the Communications Officer, Dan at

Ship Design, Registry Number and Vote

The crew voted for the new and improved ship design and for keeping the NCC102-A registry number. Many expressed concern that the proud 20 year history of the NCC102-A be preserved and were excited about the new design.

Ship's Business

The voluntary rank system was discussed. Uniform orders are needed by the Feb 9th meeting. Crew was urged to design the different department interiors. Role playing was encouraged. Creating an award system was mentioned. The ship is set in the Next Generation + universe, which is approximately 50 years into the future. Renee was congratulated on her promotion to Captain. Promotional points were discussed. Crew will earn 2 points for attending meetings and 5 points for reports. Other point assignments will need to be discussed with department heads.

Meeting Dates and Events

January 21 Levar Burton is speaking at Wake Forest University about MLK

February 9 2:00-4:00 Feb Meeting at Jam's Deli on Friendly Avenue across from Guilford College

February 8-10 all day What the Hell Con at Guilford College. Communications Officer Dan is a guest at con

March 15 2:00-4:00 Mar Meeting at Stellar Con at Downtown High Point Radisson Hotel

March 14-16 all day Stellar Con 32 and DeepSouthCon 46. Communications Officer Dan is a guest at con

April TBD TBD Shoney's by the PTI Airport

May TBD TBD CookOut on North Main High Point, Putt Putt Golf

June TBD TBD 20th Anniversary picnic at Gibson Park

September TBD TBD Mayberry Day

Other Events for year: ice cream, cookouts/picnics, movie nights, Premiere ST11 in December, painted pottery etc.


Chuck graciously invited the group to his house to watch the New Doctor Who Christmas episode. Pictures were reviewed for the upcoming Bonaventure web site.

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